Seventeen-year-old senior Kaitlyn Macon of Sanford, NC, made history as one of the first girls in the nation to become an Eagle Scout. For her Eagle Project, Kaitlyn gave her neighbors a special gift. She led...
When 19-year-old member JoeBlake Anderson leaped out of his car with a medical kit in his hand, he wasn't thinking about being a hero or saving a life. In fact, he doesn't remember thinking much at...
If you’re getting ready to welcome your first little one, or just thinking about it, learning how to prepare for a baby financially is an important first step. So what are your goals for your family? What...
Feelings of sadness and fear — but also patriotism — were all renewed for Jo Anne Gabelman as she virtually toured the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. WoodmenLife invited its members to a virtual tour of the...
Many people, places and organizations are part of our lives. A scholarship to your dream school, a church that gave you the values you hold dear, an organization fighting a cancer that affected your family —...
You’re in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. You want to help out, and you want your efforts to have a real impact. So, you’re searching for the right opportunity to do the most good. Here’s...
As parents, there are many life skills we want to teach our children before they head off on their own. The list probably includes skills like driving, doing laundry and being able to cook. But another...
Hunger is uncomfortable to experience. It can make a hectic workday even more challenging, a long road trip seem longer, and a household of hungry mouths to feed more chaotic. When bellies are full, we smile...
You're in the home stretch – retirement may be only five to 10 years away. If you aren't sure how much you've saved for retirement, or how much you should save, now is the time to...
September is Hunger Action Month™, and it’s a cause WoodmenLife members across the country actively support. Supporting Hunger Action Month is an extension of our efforts to fight hunger throughout the year. Our National Community Focus WoodmenLife members...