WoodmenLife has long been dedicated to making a difference where our members1 live. Helping our communities is part of our mission, and it’s what inspired us to create our Giving Together program in 2019. Giving Together empowers...
When it comes to protecting your family’s financial future, one option worth exploring is Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance. This product offers life insurance protection while potentially building cash value. This guide will help you understand...
WoodmenLife Representative Kim Koch of Ord, NE, is making her town better. She and other moms joined a group to help build an inclusive playground where all kids can play together, no matter their abilities. Raising Money Nebraska...
WoodmenLife chapters had another busy month! Our members showed their ongoing commitment to family, community, and country — and they had some fun at the same time. Above, members with Chapter 1571 in Martinez, GA, volunteered at...
WoodmenLife is committed to offering training to our Sales Representatives to help them grow and have the tools they need to best serve our members. Qualifying new full-time Representatives are invited to Sure Start, an interactive...
There's nothing quite like Texas hospitality. This past year, members attending WoodmenLife's Annual Regional Event (ARE) in the Texas Southeast region showed that hospitality with their thoughtful breakfast bags initiative for Veterans. The community service project touched...
In every community, there are individuals who go above and beyond, making a difference in the lives of others without looking for recognition. WoodmenLife believes in honoring these community heroes through the WoodmenLife Heart & Heritage...
Schools across the country showcased their American pride through the “America Is …” Video Contest last fall. Students were asked to create original videos 30 to 60 seconds long showing their passion for patriotism and interpreting the...
The Gary Sinise Foundation’s Snowball Express Annual Event was established to bring together families of fallen military and First Responder heroes, encouraging them to make new memories and providing opportunities to connect with others who know...
WoodmenLife chapters had another busy month! Our members showed their ongoing commitment to family, community, and country — and they had some fun at the same time. Above, members with Chapter 502 in Conway, SC, provided lunch...