WoodmenLife members1 Scott and Alisa Morgan of Delaware, OH, focus on making family memories with their three kids, rather than filling their toyboxes. “Making sure we have the quality time to have shared experiences with each other...
As you plan for your family’s financial future, a needs analysis should be a key part of the process. What is a needs analysis? And how does it help you? Let’s look at it this way: When you...
Family time for Iesha Kelley looks like that of many mothers across America. “We’re always at a game,” said the 33-year-old WoodmenLife member1 from Mayfield, KY. Her 12-year-old son plays football and basketball and is the apple of...
Young families are often tasked with juggling different financial priorities — and in doing so, they can overlook the importance of life insurance. However, unpredictable events can quickly highlight the value of life insurance for young...
For many people first starting their life insurance journey, term life insurance is a popular choice. Term life insurance offers temporary coverage for a fixed period of time at an affordable rate. However, as life changes, so...
If you’ve ever had a loved one pass away, and you were asked to write their obituary with little information, you know how comforting it would’ve been to have something already prepared. With Obituary Helper through...
WoodmenLife member1 Angela Hunt of Gleason, TN, didn’t see it coming when her son, Price, went off to camp one summer: He caught the kayaking bug. Soon enough, though, she would catch it, too, and they...
As we step into September, it’s time to talk about something that often gets overlooked. This month is Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM), and it’s all about educating ourselves on the important role life insurance plays...
WoodmenLife is there for our members at every stage of life. The Bahers offer a prime example: Though the Alabama family is now living out their dream, their journey has had its ups and downs. WoodmenLife...
April is Financial Literacy Month. Financial literacy is the ability to understand and use financial skills, including making responsible financial decisions, effective budgeting, saving, and investing for the future. Here, we take a look at one key...