Are you a parent or grandparent looking to purchase life insurance for a young member of your family? WoodmenLife offers many products that give you the opportunity to personalize the coverage with life insurance riders,1 or...
Kyle’s Savage’s story is like many others. Many others who are current or former college graduates, wondering what their future career will be. While searching for a job right out of school, with no career experience,...
Jerry Carr didn’t know that he would be meeting the “love of his life” as he arrived at church to meet another girl on a Sunday in Savannah, Tennessee. But there she was, Angie, his future...
Are you wondering how to save money on all the fun things you want to do with your family this summer? WoodmenLife’s discount program1, Life’s Perks, offers members2 discounts on national brands most people use every...
It’s very rare in life to find someone who is not afraid to rise to the occasion, without hesitation. It’s even more rare to find that individual at such a young age. Sarah F., the recipient...
Behind the Scenes of a Military Spouse The wives and husbands of servicemen and servicewomen may not see combat nor face deployment. However, these spouse's face challenges just the same. It is the spouse's duty to run...
Family is important to WoodmenLife, and we sponsor a variety of discount family activities. These activities bring people of all ages together to form new friendships and celebrate differences. We provide opportunities for people from different WoodmenLife chapters and...
Mark and Kelly Lindstrom of Columbia, TN, have a specific goal for their future: living debt free in retirement and continuing to serve through the ministry of their church. With the help of WoodmenLife, they're on...
On Oct. 1, 2017, WoodmenLife released a new lineup of Whole Life products.1 This rollout included a variety of product enhancements and the addition of a new 10 Pay Whole Life2 option. Some of these exciting new...
Congratulations to WoodmenLife’s third quarter Make it Count Award winners, Tami Wilson and Eric Sauvage! These two WoodmenLife associates showed incredible ownership and dedication to our members. With their commitment to exceptional customer service, they demonstrated...